You’re not alone. Recent studies have found that more Americans are opting for different kinds of front and backyard installations than the traditional close-cropped yards of yesteryear.
In some cases, it’s about water – as some American communities get drier, and lose their sources of irrigation, it gets harder to maintain a green lawn. For others, though, it’s about the ecological footprint of mowing and weed whacking and doing all of that other maintenance on a regular basis. Or the household feels like they’re just not up to the challenge during a growing season! Either way, there are new ways to manage a grassy outdoor space or a set of beds around your home or property – and a lot of them are less labor-intensive than the traditional mowing schedule.
But letting go of the traditional green grass model doesn’t mean just letting things take their natural course! That’s a simplistic way of looking at things. On the other hand, with a little planning, you can have a yard that doesn’t require a gargantuan struggle with Mother Nature every year.
These kinds of plans require deliberate thought and planning, in order to have something that’s aesthetically pleasing and not just a jungle. But it can be done! Our teams are used to managing landscaping on your behalf and making your yard and outdoor spaces better places to be.
Whether it’s mowing or planting or maintaining beds, our teams are used to working proactively on client properties to get them looking the best they can, whether they are traditionally planned or designed according to some new model.
Some of our clients talk about getting the best English garden setup for beds and exterior spaces. Native plants can grow wild and look nice on your property. But there’s some specific horticultural design that’s important for these projects and we bring that knowledge and expertise to the table. That’s important for the planning we were talking about, letting your lawn and you work smarter, not harder, as the summer sun beats down.
Talk to Green Life Property Service about a plan to take charge of your yard this year. Make this the year that you finally start using this important part of your property in a way that feels good. We know green landscaping, and we’re here to help! Go green with us and you’ll be glad that you did.
Green Life Property Service